Pharma Focus Asia

Spinogenix Discovered SPG302, a Novel Therapy for the Treatment of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Spinogenix has discovered a novel treatment, SPG302, for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). 

SPG302 is a once-daily pill developed as a regenerative therapy for ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. It uniquely restores synapses, the critical connections between neurons essential for thinking, planning, memory, and motor control.

The synaptic regenerative activity of SPG302 represents a groundbreaking approach to ALS treatment, with the potential to reverse declines in cognitive, respiratory, and motor functions.

ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a complex neurodegenerative disorder that affects cognitive and motor functions, as well as speech and respiration. This innovative treatment targets synapse regeneration at the synaptic level. This initial study in ALS patients is crucial to determine if SPG302 can recover lost motor and cognitive functions.

ALS leads to the progressive loss of motor neurons controlling voluntary muscles, affecting approximately 30,000 people in the United States, with about 5,000 new cases each year. It is the most common motor neuron disease, characterised by progressive paralysis and typically resulting in death from respiratory failure within 2-5 years of diagnosis. 

About half of ALS patients experience mild cognitive and behavioural difficulties, with approximately 15 percent developing frontotemporal dementia. Currently, there is no cure for ALS.

SPG302’s unique synapse-regenerating approach offers a fundamentally different treatment strategy, focusing on the central issue of synapse loss in ALS. Existing treatments have not sufficiently met ALS patients' needs, as merely slowing disease progression is inadequate. 

SPG302 aims to provide a transformative therapeutic option that could significantly improve the lives of those affected by this devastating disease.

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